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It’s an August afternoon and there you are sat in traffic on the motorway!! Sweat drips from your neck and runs down your back until your T-shirt absorbs it; your legs are stuck to the vinyl or leather of your seat and the heat is just about bearable, All your windows are wound down and the heater is blowing on cold but its actually blowing warm air from the engine that is close to overheating.
Most of us have been there at some point in our driving life but thanks to air conditioning in modern cars we don’t have to sit there again suffering in this way.
Air conditioning works the same way now as it did back in 1939 when Packard invented the first AC for automobiles.
There are three main parts to the system, the first is the compressor then the condenser, and finally the evaporator, and together they cool and remove humidity from the air.
As the UK does not suffer from long heat waves for months on end most of us don’t use this feature as often as we should, so if you were to be asked when was the last time you had it serviced would you know?
At the present here at Sandy Lane Service Station we have a fantastic offer on Air conditioning service and Re-Gas. Want to know more…